Private Sylvester Keely Co. I

We were recently contacted by Kelly O’Shea, a relative of 62d NYV, Co. I veteran, Sylvester Keely. Below is Kelly’s correspondence with our editor Dee Sanders.


I am a relative of Sylvester Keely and I am looking for information on him. My mother is Lorriane Keely and my Great-uncle is John Keely. We know he was in the Anderson Zouaves. If you could guide us to any information I would be grateful. 

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving,

Kelly O’Shea 

Dear Kelly

This what I have been able to find; he is recorded as Silvester Keely at “Index to the Register of the Sixty-second Regiment of Infantry US Civil War. Source: Annual Report of the Adjutant-General of the State of New York, For the Year 1900.”


Sylvester was one of the original enlistees in the Anderson Zouaves. His name appears as Sylvester Keely in the document linked below:

 You will find him in the section – p.20 for Company I and he is No.20 of the listed privates. The top of the muster roll has the officers , NCOs and HQ personnel. Go past them to No.20.

I have abstracted the information on the muster roll for you.

Sylvester Keely Company I. Enlisted as a Private, aged 31. He enlisted on May 28, 1861 at “Union Course.” He was enlisted by company commander Captain Lafata. He enlisted for 3 years.

Union Course was a nationally famous racetrack situated in the area now bounded by 78th Street, 85th Street, Jamaica Avenue, and Atlantic Avenue. The Union Course was the first skinned — or dirt — racing surface, a curious novelty at the time. The course was originally without grandstands. – Wikipedia

That’s all I can find for you quickly. ..

I hope this helps.

Dee Sanders

Editor – Anderson Zouaves Research

You can find Private Sylvester Keely’s biography on the Anderson Zouave Research website: